Transformative Teaching

Transformative Teaching
Demand for and attention to education worldwide and particularly in developing countries like Uganda has increasingly realized the need to shift training programs towards more experiential, participatory, constructivist training methods, which reflect the constructivist approach that the training expects teachers to implement in their classrooms and teaching environment with the student. Matovu (2014) highlighted the inability of some teacher training institutions to ensure adequate supply of well-trained pre-service and in-service training teachers which poses a big problem of quantity and quality of teachers in the country
The training for transformative teaching enables teachers to reflect on their beliefs and assumptions regarding teaching and learning. UNESCO UIS, 2005 demands that secondary school students are prepared for further education and acquisition of skills to manipulate the environment for a living in their world of work as such CTPR equips different teachers from all over Uganda with various skills to help them address relevant structural drivers that force Adolescents out of school and fosters the development of positive values, norms and skills among teachers to implement approaches to teaching and learning that are transformative to both the learner and the teachers themselves.